Have I mentioned that I don't like exams? No? Here it is then....
I HATE exams. I see the point to them, kind of, and I am well aware that I sort of need to do well in these to get anywhere in life, but that doesn't mean I have to like them, although I may contemplate revising for them, if I have nothing better to do tomorrow. (Chances are that there will be something just uber-awesome on TV that I cannot afford to miss, so stuff revision).
But do you know what really bugs me? Prepare for rant.
The UK has the lowest starting age for schools than anyone else, we also have the most exams within your education, than anyone else. Yet we are still one of the lowest scoring countries when it comes to doing well in exams. The government has spent billions of pounds on the education system trying to give us this better education that our neighbours seem to have, however when a year group who have been working towards these exams for ages, whose lives have been consumed by revision and panic and worry that if they fail their entire future is totally screwed; do well, instead of saying 'Well, that shocking amount of money we have spent on the education system did some good.' they say 'Well yeah, it's only because the tests are actually dead easy and you're still all really thick.' Thanks confidence boosting people, you are just the kind of positive thinking and influential role models we need. Surely any politician will realise that the next generation of voters are the ones that they have spent the last couple of years insulting. And we're the thick ones?!
Plus, there are a group of graphs that correlate in quite a depressing way. It is a fact that, if you are about my age, then you will have spent majority of your life, not at home with your family, but at school. In recent years the number of exams has gone up, as has the amount of homework, and the pressure to do well because the school needs to look good for the league tables. Rising in almost perfect correlation with this, is the number of teenagers who have been diagnosed with depression, the number of teenagers with eating disorders, the number of teenagers who self harm, the number of teenagers with criminal records, and so on.
Do you think that perhaps, somewhere along the line, our government has completely screwed up, and doesn't seem to realise yet that something is not quite right?
Come on Mr. Brown! Do something. Part of your job is to protect the citizens of this country, yet you seem to be avoiding a generation.
Rant complete.
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
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I applaud you indeed. Well said too. The Government nowadays are increasingly disowning their loyal voters in favour of just trying to gain as many votes as possible. When these poiliticians claim to be puring tons of money into Education, are they just saying it to appeal to a broader electorate?
Teenagers and children are now just being used to gauge how good the Government is and how well Education is.
When I was in year 6 and we had our SATs, my old primary school was quite a good school but there wasn't the emphasis on how well all the pupils were doing, instead it was explicitly said that the school wanted to look good in the league tables. Cue far too much revision and homework for children who should be enjoying their childhood.
You're completely right. The Government are too obsessed with being seen as right that they're completely missing the point that we, being the next generation of voters, are being disregarded.
Here, here!!!
Thankyou, it's nice to know other people agree with me.
Agree, agree and agree.
They're over-testing, over-taxing and then over-criticizing society. Personally, exams are just away to separate us by ability (which, in theory, I understand, but their great little ideas of how to make things better is simply leading to a bigger divide between the right and the poor. Pull your finger out, Brown).
They're in for a shock at the next election we can vote at...
Do you realize that by the time we are 18, we'll have take 70 plus exams? And do you realize exam stress is the biggest cause of depression in young people?
It amuses me how researches spend their time making links between eating more than fifteen peanuts and day and a rise in cancer among female clowns yet they can't make the link between over testing and childhood depression. Strange.
They are being paid so much by the government to find and cure something that will improve their image that cold hard logic and common sense is being pushed to one side. They are becoming so obsessed with image and how well they are doing or how good they look that now even the press has begun to focus on 'getting one over' on these various politicians, instead of informing us what is actually going on.
The more we, as a nation, focus on what appears to be happening, instead of what is, the larger and harder we are going to fall. Taking all innocent bystanders, such as students, down as well. We are going to end up living through the 'recovery period' of 'Great' Britain and it appears that it is only us that can see this coming, yet we can't do a thing about it.
Ironic, isn't it. Us 'thikies' who cnt evan spel proply an av no regrd for da englich langige are going to be the ones who make England strong again.
Oh, if only people could move away from the stereotypical views of the young of Britain. Maybe we should send Brown a link to our blogs? He'd have a freaking heart attack when he realizes how stupid he's been. All his efforts and money has gone into solving the youth crime problems. What about those who abide by the law? Should we be ignored for doing the right thing?
It's no wonder kids feel they have to resort to crime to get some form of attention and acceptance when that's were all the care is going to.
Come on Mr PM, wake up - we aint all fick.
:) *applause* My thoughts exactly
LOL! How militant.
Female clowns are more likely to get cancer?
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