Oh yes! This story should amuse:
Whilst playing with a pen knife I accidentaly managed to slit my wrist. Upon the shock (and pain) of doing this I dopped the pen knife. I panicked, bandaged my wrist (which took a worrying amount of time to stop bleeding), and then stood up to discard the bloody tissues. However upon doing this I stood on the previously dropped pen knife and sliced my foot open. Ouch.
The afore mentioned pen knife has now been locked away somewhere as it is obviously on a mission to kill, and I have reverted back to playing with fire, as it is much more fun.
Saturday, 5 April 2008
I would like to say firstly that I did not (much). Obviously I m talking about the last episode of Torchwood, which was quite truly amazing. Owen's death was highly predictable, as he's technically already dead, and something really had to happen. But I did not see Tosh's death coming at all. The line 'you're breaking my heart' made everyone cry. It was amazing, I truly believe that Naoko Mori deserves many awards for that. Especially as it was all done in one take because some of the cast were just crying too much. I'm very sad now that Tosh and Owen are gone, they did make the perfect couple and, although I must admit I didn't particularly like Owen in the first series, I didn't want the wonderful Tosh to die. She was a cool character.
So now it is up to the remaining Jack, Ianto (who make the most adorable couple) and Gwen, to put the team back together. Personally I think the wonderful John Hart should be made a permenant member, but apparently that's not going to happen. Plus that would leave Ianto to fight for Jack, and we can't put him through that kind of heartache. There are rumours that Mickey Smith (who should technically be trapped on a parallel universe with Rose Tyler, but RTD never seems to take logic into account as technixally Jack has re-lived world war two three, possibly four times) and Martha Jones will step in to fill the shoes of the two. But Martha (who had so much potential at the start of series three) is now an annoying character, and Mickey.... well I have no complaints about him, but he wouldn't be anywhere near as good as Tosh.
And now onto the REALLY important issue....
DOCTOR WHO SERIES FOUR started this evening and it was lovely!
David Tennant was gorgeous! I mean really gorgeous! He looked really, really cute with fluffy hair. Donna was funny, I especially loved the bit when they wer miming across the room through the window and the door. It made me laugh, however the 'am I interrupting you?' line was so incredibly predictable. The plot was naff, although one of RTD's better episodes I feel, it still wasn't fantastic, which is really annoying as Russell T Davies was key in bringing Doctor Who back, and his ideas are brilliant he's just not a fantastic writer. I would kill to get his job, I really would. But I highly doubt I'm of anywhere near a good enough standard to write for something that is as amazing as Doctor Who. All said and done, twas awesome!
*does the Donna grandad dance*
So now it is up to the remaining Jack, Ianto (who make the most adorable couple) and Gwen, to put the team back together. Personally I think the wonderful John Hart should be made a permenant member, but apparently that's not going to happen. Plus that would leave Ianto to fight for Jack, and we can't put him through that kind of heartache. There are rumours that Mickey Smith (who should technically be trapped on a parallel universe with Rose Tyler, but RTD never seems to take logic into account as technixally Jack has re-lived world war two three, possibly four times) and Martha Jones will step in to fill the shoes of the two. But Martha (who had so much potential at the start of series three) is now an annoying character, and Mickey.... well I have no complaints about him, but he wouldn't be anywhere near as good as Tosh.
And now onto the REALLY important issue....
DOCTOR WHO SERIES FOUR started this evening and it was lovely!
David Tennant was gorgeous! I mean really gorgeous! He looked really, really cute with fluffy hair. Donna was funny, I especially loved the bit when they wer miming across the room through the window and the door. It made me laugh, however the 'am I interrupting you?' line was so incredibly predictable. The plot was naff, although one of RTD's better episodes I feel, it still wasn't fantastic, which is really annoying as Russell T Davies was key in bringing Doctor Who back, and his ideas are brilliant he's just not a fantastic writer. I would kill to get his job, I really would. But I highly doubt I'm of anywhere near a good enough standard to write for something that is as amazing as Doctor Who. All said and done, twas awesome!
*does the Donna grandad dance*
Friday, 4 April 2008
Inability to sleep. It's awesome and horrific at the same time. It means that I get to spend an awful lot of time doing what I want to do, like writing, reading, doodling, watching very naff TV shows because there is never anything else on. It's either this or spend hours trying to get to sleep, which just puts me in a bad mood. However this does mean that I generally don't sleep, I can go days and days with not sleeping no matter how hard I try to, or how much I want to. This is never good, as it sort of puts me on the verge of collapse. Not that it matters because it means that everytime I leave my coursework until last minute (which happens with more or less every piece of work I'm set) I can quite easily pull an all nighter, because it's not like it's going to have a terrible, long lasting detrimental effect. I mean, by no means am I a healthy person, my diet mostly consists of Pringles and caffienated drinks (which probably explains the insomnia), I never exercise (even the word fills me with dread), and I am on medication for a variety of ailments. So hey, if I'm dead by thirty you'll all know why.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
ME: I am... well I'm actually quite dull, so I apologise. I have no hobbies, a pitiful excuse for a social life, am single *sob* (althouh maybe if I wasn't blogging this could change, but we'll never know), am somewhat of a Doctor Who fan (wich probably explains why I'm single) and I am really uninteresting.
This is the Fight Against Symmetry for good reason, I'm not just wierd (although I wouldn't describe myself as sane). Throughout history, and it's kind of in-built to us a people, people who are symmetrical have been seen as the idealised form of beauty. And I must admit I know many symmetrical people who are all very beautiful. I however am most definately not symmetrical. I'm not particularly ugly (I like to think), I'm just not very pretty, and I like being odd. I wear odd socks because if they match they bore me. I paint my fingernails a nice variety of colours, and neither hand matches. I love how Panic! At the Disco brought glitter and snazzifullness, and oddness in general, into the world. And I guess this is just some way of rebelling against conventional beauty.
Admittedly this is usually a rant associated with the ugly little outcasts of society, which is probably a group I'd fit into well, but what are you gonna do.
Let's see, what else is there to ramble about..... let me think.... nope, nothing, sorry.
This is the Fight Against Symmetry for good reason, I'm not just wierd (although I wouldn't describe myself as sane). Throughout history, and it's kind of in-built to us a people, people who are symmetrical have been seen as the idealised form of beauty. And I must admit I know many symmetrical people who are all very beautiful. I however am most definately not symmetrical. I'm not particularly ugly (I like to think), I'm just not very pretty, and I like being odd. I wear odd socks because if they match they bore me. I paint my fingernails a nice variety of colours, and neither hand matches. I love how Panic! At the Disco brought glitter and snazzifullness, and oddness in general, into the world. And I guess this is just some way of rebelling against conventional beauty.
Admittedly this is usually a rant associated with the ugly little outcasts of society, which is probably a group I'd fit into well, but what are you gonna do.
Let's see, what else is there to ramble about..... let me think.... nope, nothing, sorry.
Hello World!!
Well, hello. I can't believe people will actually be bothered to read this, but it's nice to be able to rant somewhere, even if it does remain unread. Hmmm... I'll have to get back to this.
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