(BTW before you comment I know that it wasn't RTD's name on the titles, however as he's the head writer and to blame for most of the naffness in Doctor Who I'm slagging him off out of habit. Plus I'm willing to bet that the not so good, or hidden things etc. are all on RTD's head)
The whole synchronised catching of various objects as they fall when an earthquake strikes, anybody remembering Mary Poppins here? It's like last time he re-used the whole 'stop or I will stop you' line. The man has only a handful of catchphrases and then he steals off other people. (I'm complaining whilst watching this episode, with the very pretty David Tennant :) therefore between complaints I'm *squeeing* with joy.)
It's a little like a psychic face off! Amusing, but unoriginal, especially the 'real name is hidden'. A penny for every cliche would make me rich. And I like how RTD has got her completely stoned, that's a lovely message to send out to the young kids watching. "Get high! You can see the future!" (However, admittedly it is historically accurate, but I won't bore you with that)
And those marble designs... if you have ever seen the Disney film 'Atlantis' then you are going to see the similarity, however I love the eyes on the back of the hands, they are really cool.
Oh my God!! The Energy Converter!! Anybody see it?!?!
Obviously when I post this the episode shall be finished and you will all get the relevance, but still, anybody get it yet?
You see that is one thing that I must credit Mr. RTD with, he is very good with hidden messages and themes, and anagrams actually:
MISTER SAXON = Master no Six
ASTRID= Tardis
And throughout the last series the image of the Timelords (like the one on the pocket watch) and Saxon's name being weaved throughout it, plus the drums being stolen from the themetune etc. Well done Mr RTD, we have found your skill.
Lol, 'Oh that's allright... just us girls'
Ok Mr RTD, your other skill is camping up the Doctor beyond belief. E.g 'Tooth and Claw':
'Didn't you think anything odd about my house staff?'
'Oh I dunno, strong athletic men, home alone, I just thought you were very happy'
Oooooh! Water Gun! Snazzy weapon. Comedic.
Sorry that this is jumping a bit, I'm watching and only typing at appropriate moments.
Oh god, 'The burden of the Timelords. I'm the only one left' Penny per cliche? (However I am loving the fire!! That bright yellow watergun just looks so James Bond)
Tut tut, 'Lava?'
Is anybody else picking up on all of the 'gone' and the 'lost'. The breeding planet of the Adipose was lost, their planet was lost, the bees are all gone.
Congradulations Mr. RTD!!! The whole 'I'm the Doctor and I cause *enter major catastrophic event from history here* was so an idea that I would have used had I had your job.
Cue lovely computer graphics.
Aaaaw... poor Donna. This bit is actually really sad, especially that poor kid. Go RTD! Make us cry! (May I point out that I'm not actually crying, all is well) Doesn't David Tennant look good when he's being angsty.
OH! What a shot!! Glaring bright light, holding out a hand to save them. Nice!
No.... not the 'who are you Doctor?' Penny?
The Doctor is a household God! LOL!
And next week is the return of the Ood.
That is all I have to say. Toodles