I love study leave. I have now become really addicted to daytime tv, which is actually total rubbish, and it makes me giggle. Admittedly you never really switch on 'The Jeremy Kyle Show' with the expectation of decent, quality viewing, but good lord it is funny.
I mean, really. Some of the people here do not deserve to be parents, they really don't. There is one woman on now who is a gobby little... thing. She is in her early twenties, four babies by four different fathers, is again pregnant, her youngest (who is about three) was once taken to hospital for taking hash.What kind of a mother is she!?! It's disgusting. And she is about as thick as two short planks and she really deserves a slap.
It is soooooo funny watching these people who must obviously think before they go on, that if they storm on yelling and making a scene, then it will make them look better, but really?! How dumb are these people. Where do they find them? I pity their researchers.
It actually works out quite well, I can watch JK, then 'The Wright Stuff' which always amuses me as the dude will make a point, argue it valiently, and then totally contradict himself. It makes me sporfle. However I credit him with far more intelligence than I do Jeremy Kyle. Waaaaaayyyy more than Jeremy Kyle.
I can then flick back to watch 'Loose Women' which is just great tv. Tis awesome.
Then I can grab a snack, watch 'Doctors' then 'Diagnosis Murder' then get lunch (although it is about three/four o'clock), then watch 'Paul O'Grady', and then lie through my teeth and tell my mother I have been revising hard all day.
Yup, study leave is made of awesome.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
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Main Entry:
1study Listen to the pronunciation of 1study
Inflected Form(s):
plural stud·ies
Middle English studie, from Anglo-French estudie, from Latin studium, from studēre to devote oneself, study; probably akin to Latin tundere to beat — more at contusion
14th century
1: a state of contemplation : reverie2 a: application of the mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge (years of study) b: such application in a particular field or to a specific subject (the study of Latin) c: careful or extended consideration (the proposal is under study) d (1): a careful examination or analysis of a phenomenon, development, or question (2): the published report of such a study3: a building or room devoted to study or literary pursuits4: purpose, intent (it has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses — Jane Austen)5 a: a branch or department of learning : subject —often used in plural (American studies) b: the activity or work of a student (returning to her studies after vacation) c: an object of study or deliberation (every gesture a careful study — Marcia Davenport) d: something attracting close attention or examination6: a person who learns or memorizes something (as a part in a play) —usually used with a qualifying adjective (he's a quick study)7: a literary or artistic production intended as a preliminary outline, an experimental interpretation, or an exploratory analysis of specific features or characteristics8: a musical composition for the practice of a point of technique.
Am I using an old dictionary or something? I see no 'watch TV' in there.
Though, admittedly you are "the mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge". Just not knowledge that's relevant to your exams.
Though, ironically, 'study' and 'leave' to me say 'leave the studying' so....
Oh so pedantic Jodie :P
Tis a good thing you love me :D:D
That's what you think
Jeremy Kyle is a sanctamonious little twit.
And yet I find myself watching his show each morning.
It's like some strange kind of compulsion! O_O
(and Diagnosis Murder is AWESOME.)
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