Sunday, 15 June 2008


Does anybody else hate having to fill out application forms or personal statements for stuff? You know, the bit when they say 'now brag'. I can't do it, for the life of me, I always sound like some stuck up, narcassistic cow and I hate it. How on earth do they intend us to write personal statements for university?? >:(

What's worse is when they say 'continue on a separate sheet if necessary' because they've only provided a tiny space, when I can't even fill that in because I've never actually done anything. >:(

I'm never going to get into uni' am I? How do you do it? Anybody??

I was going to write a nice complainy rant, but I've got nice loud playing and I'm singing along (badly) and it's hard to be angry when singing very loudly and out of tune :D


Blue said...

I wrote a letter for Work Experience and it's horrible - I sound so up myself :(

I guess there's a fine line between selling yourself and bragging.

When I said "selling yourself", I didn't mean prostitution ;)

KatEvans11120 said...

I guessed as much :P

Anonymous said...

LOL! Hell, escort services girlies. Four grand a night, I'm not complaining!

I don't like them either. It's all 'Oh, I've done X and that makes me soooo amazing'.
