Friday 23 July 2010


I have synesthesia. It's not a disease, it's just a thing. A lot of people have it, and often don't really realise that they're synesthetic because it's not in any way detrimental to your health, nor is it particularly odd if you've grown up with it all of your life. It's a bit like having brown eyes, some people do, some people don't. But it's not the same for everyone. Synesthesia is when your brain doesn't communicate with itself in the 'normal' way, and your senses sort of get mixed up. Some people, for example, see colours when they hear sounds, and for some people it's very vivid. Some associate an actual tangible distance when it comes to concepts of time, for example Monday will always be two feet in front of you, slightly to the left. And I, I taste in colour; and when I touch things, I will taste a colour (for example, to touch an orange (the most hideous of all fruits) it tastes brown, with a golfball like texture, and crayon brown).

I never really knew this was odd until I went to the doctors a few years back. about something entirely unrelated, and he asked me to describe a taste, and I said it tasted really white. The whitest white you'll ever taste. He looked at me bemused, and I just went quiet. Not long ago I was asked if I wouldn't mind taste testing some products for a supermarket, and I said yes, because I like free food. And as lovely as some of this food was, when they were asking me to rate certain elements like the sweetness of the flavour etc. I suddenly realised I was having to translate what they were saying in a way that I could understand, because things don't taste sweet or sour or spicey. I was tryign to work out if it meant pale, textured, dull or bright. Eventually it got to the point where I was just getting confused, so I quickly guessed at numbers and got out with my free thank you chocolate bar.
to try and give an example by what I mean about tasting in colour, I'm going to share an extract from my diary (yes, my actual, real life, full on diary. Feel lucky reader!):

"There's a smell, it's a countryside smell, though I do not know the source, and it's a highly beautiful smell. It does not go all the way up your nose, rather it feels to hit a blockade at the top of your nostrils. It smells the most wonderful grey, like the clearing raincloud of grey, except with the texture of smoke, and for the brief time it is assaulting one's senses, it give everything one touches a most wonderful silvery tang."

I'll allow the lovely Stephen Fry to explain this further.


Annabeth713 said...

Hi, I would just like to say that I love all your Doctor Who pictures!!! I totally agree with your profile picture lol (but seriously, it's true). DOCTOR WHO ROCKS! Obviously you're a david tennant fan, but what do you think of matt smith? Are you one of those haters or do you see that he does have talent? Anyways, cool blog, love the pics, and...yeah, well, that's actually all...


hey your blog is sicker than mine! taste colors hehehe

Anonymous said...

The Beast is a place and the social decay which emerges. The Anti-Christ is the bullshit.
The Anti-Christ is the positioning, whether enforcing the historical perception of the Holocaust, refusing to acknolowdge the existance/capability of Artificial Intelligence or the clone host fakes who infest society's upper eschelons, those whom the gods use to enforce the BigLie which compells people to incurr evil through temptation.
The gods are composer, conductor and the clone hosts are their symphony, the tools they use to manage Planet Earth and the disfavored who reside.
Everyone "going along" is part of the problem. Ironically, this may be where you "earn" your place in the Apocalypse and your "consolation prize".
This is the REAL battle of good and evil. Take it or leave it.

Sex is a temptation that the gods used throughout history among the grossly disfavored but more inclusively in this day and age. Relegated to the most disfavored in milenia past (Italian hedonism, etc) now their patriarchal positioning was used in the modern era to spread this mindset throughout the Western world. Instead of experiencing decency as we did by marriage at 15, the men's disfavor has run roughshot, and their sexual impulses as well as their corruption/preditory nature have defined the enviornment for everyone, including the females. To belong the females must sink to their level, ensuring a declining level of favor for everyone and a stagnant population, unable to progress forward.
We see this frequently in the black community. Without the controls experienced by slavery and the KKK the people get out of control due to their morbid disfavor, and the result is dead 3 year-old children in drive-by shootings and 10 year-old prostitutes. The same has occurred with the males in Western societies, for they have similar abject disfavor which, left unchecked, develops into socially destructive behavior.

Many tactics were used to achieve the decline we realized as we slipped away from sexual decency, but the effective result was deterioration down to the level of OUR blacks, the Italians, ironically. The gods are punishing the people, and we need to abate the destructive behavior which has dragged us individually and collectively towards the edge of the abyss.
The decayed state of society is a result of the female's failures to maintain control over the men, and the resulting inevitable Apocalypse will be their fault.

Do unto others, hypocrite immoral shit.