Thursday, 10 April 2008


Anyone who reads this blog is going to think that I'm disturbed, writing about crash diets and slit wrists. This is not good. To all those who are worried that I'm suicidal, I'm not.
Well... not until I look at the stupid bloody Midsummer Night's Dream costume. Trust me, if you had to wear it, you would be depressed too. It actually makes me cry. I'm not joking. Seriously.


1 comment:

Beccaa said...

*More sprinkles of happy-wowee-fairy-dust*

I'm sure it isn't too horrendous. And even if it is, you only have to wear it for a couple of minutes on stage, amongst a load of people who are wearing exactly the same thing. And afterwards, we can burn it within your uber-awesomeiful-bonfire-of-snazz,and dance aound it wearing tribal face paint of doomnation.
